Just a sampling of my gaming adventures...
how do you win??
Published on February 5, 2008 By Tekkor In Sins of a Solar Empire
Hey everyone. Well I just woke up a bit ago...(yeah I know, having my own biz gives these benefits) after playing Sins until 4am.

My first real game. I played on the first scenario..the random small map against an Easy Random AI. The game was a real learning experience. Figured out many things during the game I didnt understand before. Figured out the whole pirate thing and bidding to avoid raids. I figured out to pay attention to planetary upgrades to increase like the population one so the planet would stop being a money sink and make money along with setting up the trade ports etc.

I think I still need to start my next game and then pause it and spend like an hour just reading every item on the Research trees as I really dont know what half that stuff even is.

Anyway...I saved my game last night to finally go to sleep. When I quit though I was a bit confused the game was still going on. To summarize I had uncovered the whole galaxy. I have basically 2 fleets. Each one has 2 Capital ships and a collection of 20 or so frigates of various types. I rolled these 2 fleets around and wiped out all my opponets planets and every ship I saw. I kept my bribe/bid higher then them on pirates nad avoided most any raids.

I uncovered the Pirate system...has about a billion ships in it, lol. Anyway...do I have to kill all the pirates to win the game? I dont think my opponent has anymore ships flying around...all i think that is left is maybe 1-2 mining platform things. Do I just need to get rid of them somehow? Its strange is that on one that was in this one nebuola like system I couldnt seem to target it. Any help appreciated.

on Feb 05, 2008
I uncovered the Pirate system...has about a billion ships in it, lol. Anyway...do I have to kill all the pirates to win the game? I dont think my opponent has anymore ships flying around...all i think that is left is maybe 1-2 mining platform things. Do I just need to get rid of them somehow? Its strange is that on one that was in this one nebuola like system I couldnt seem to target it. Any help appreciated.

You don't need to destroy pirates to win, but the AI is very sneaky in that it can recolonize planets it lost while you're not looking. You only need to destroy enemy colonies to win, so chances are he still has one somewhere

As for the mines in neutral objects (gas giants, space junk, nebulae), those can be captured by either your scout frigate or your colony frigate (based on your race), but not outright destroyed

Hope that helps!
on Feb 05, 2008
hmm. Ok I guess I will go fire it up and send out ships to every system looking for them lol. I spent like 15 minutes last night chasing down this one little ship he had flying around was a pain.

I dont know how he would have setup another colony but I will start looking. But if all he has is a couple mining platforms in neutral areas that wont matter right?
on Feb 05, 2008
But if all he has is a couple mining platforms in neutral areas that wont matter right?

Right, only colonies matter for victory conditions. Generally, whenever you blow up an enemy colony you want to put up one of yours right away, so always try to keep a colony ship (or a colonizing capital) close by

Also, depending on the race you play, all have various ways of maintaining sight on planets - TEC Scouts can get probes researched that grants grav well vision for a long while after they leave, Vasari are the weakest here, but the Antorak Marauder has an ability similar to a probe (with other goodies), and one of the Advent capitals can remotely show you any grav well of your choosing.
on Feb 05, 2008
Ahh ok I got it.

I just fired my game up....I sent ships to 2 areas I had not been in for a while....once the ships arrived in one area....bam game ended with a victory screen.

Pretty awesome actually. Was basically my second game (the first one I quit after an hour as I saw many things I did wrong). On easy difficulty of course. Game time was like 3:53 lol. Took me 4 hours to win it.

Is there any of the other scenarios you guys would recommend that you have done that are fun and maybe take a shorter bit of time. Im guessing since that random one was 14 planets I could get a shorter game by just doing one of the 7 planet ones.
on Feb 05, 2008
Close Encounters is a 9 planet map and the smallest premade scenario map.